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3DCS Variation Analyst CAA V5 Based v7.5.0.1


3DCS Variation Analyst CAA V5 Based (3DCS for V5) is an integrated software solution in CATIA V5 that simulates product assembly and part tolerance 3D stack-ups through Monte Carlo Analysis and High-Low-Mean (Sensitivity) Analysis. 

What's New in 3DCS - March:


- X-Plane Routine (dcuMvMinDistFit.DLL)
This routine is similar to the Six-Plane move except that it can have more than six pairs of locators defined. Like the Six-Plane move, each pair of locators needs a direction defined. Then, each object feature is best-fit to each target plane. Each target plane is defined by the target feature and the direction. If 4-way hole-pin pairs are locators, they need to be selected twice with two normal directions, just as in the SixPlane move.
- Automatic Feature Point Projection routine
Automatic Feature Point Creation routine purpose is to replace the manual creation of feature points needed in a 3DCS model. A very large number of points can be automatically created in a very short time, thus speeding up the model creation process. In general points creation can take some time, depending on how many assembly operations or measurements are needed in the model.
· Enhanced 3DCS when creating a model report using Power Point. (62674)
· Fixed slide numbering in Power Point report. (62563)
· Fixed Power Point report to only use one Slide Master. (62565)
· Fixed an issue creating duplicate DCS size entities when deleting a Cadsurf hole or pin created by a Point Group. (62627)
· The DCSDB2 file now respects the comma delimiter (Locale) format and using Multi-Core setting. (63514)
· Corrected the Feature Move, when using stepped Planar or Axis features, to use an Average calculation. (62768)
· Enhanced the Feature Move, when using multiple co-planar planes or co-linear axis, to use a Least Squares calculation. (61540)
· Move Parts will not appear in LSQ Axis Move Dialog. (62619)
· Fixed a bug that prevented nested Iteration moves from working correctly. (62747)
· Updated weighting in X plane move. (62604)
· Changed the threshold for Hole/Pin float values for DLL move routines to match other moves and prevent inconsistent Validation messages. (62580)
· Fixed an issue with Locale and running 2-4 threads with an Equation Measure, causing 3DCS to switch to period delimiter. (62725)
· An enhancement was made to the project point to feature DLL (dcsMvProjectPtOnPlaneLineCylinder) so when projecting a point onto a cylindrical feature as opposed to always projecting normal to surface you can now define a vector direction for the projection path.
· Added Validation warning message with Rigid Body moves (Step Plane, Six Plane, etc.), if the moves are using the same features in multiple Object/Target fields (61189).

- DCS Community
We now have a new Community site available for users to register. The Community is a forum full of general information about 3DCS and QDM. Users will be able to ask general questions about 3DCS and QDM, download example models, review past webinars and more.
- Example Models and Tutorials
Individual example models are now available. C:\Users\Public\Documents\DCS\3DCS___7_5_0_1\3DCS CAD & Example Models\Reference Models
· We have made multiple changes to the Tutorial pages and moved them to the
bottom of the Table of Contents: Variation Analyst Tutorial, Feature-Based Tutorial, Advanced Analyzer and Optimizer Tutorial (AAO), Mechanical Tutorial, Compliant Modeller Tutoria

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