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Sheet Metal & Stamping

Altair Inspire Form 2025

cadcamaec@protonmail.com2025-03-08Sheet Metal & Stamping153

 Inspire Form 2025.0 is a unique software that enables users to optimally design sheet metal components considering manufacturing feasibility and material cost.

Resolved Issues
The following issues have been resolved for the 2025 release:
– Section view is now shown along the section cut plane for surface/sheet parts [INSFORM-3089].
– Box fit measure has been improved for accuracy and compactness [INSFORM-2878].
– Blank fit has been improved for accuracy [INSFORM-2512].
– Inspire Form solver now runs single and multioperation forming simulation in all supported Linux distributions [INSFORM-3163].
– Yoshida (Original) and Yoshida (Modified) hardening are now supported for materials when a Barlat 3 parameter is selected in the Materials dialog [INSFORM-3075]

– Reports now include thickness and %thinning results for blanks modeled with solid elements [INSFORM-3119].
– Inspire Form solver now runs with adaptive mesh and improved stability [INSFORM-3213].
– Drawbead parameters are now saved with .iform files [INSFORM-2512].
– Solid-blank meshing has been improved to create uniform layers of hexa and penta elements [INSFORM-3073].
– Blank shape prediction robustness has been improved to handle complex outlines and holes [INSFORM-3109].

Altair Inspire Form is a complete stamping simulation environment that can effectively be used by product designers and process engineers to optimize designs, simulate robust manufacturing and reduce material costs. With the fast and easy feasibility module, users can analyze parts in seconds to predict formability early in the product development cycle. The automated blank nesting proposes an efficient layout of the flattened blank on the sheet coil to maximize material utilization. The tryout module includes a highly scalable incremental solver, helping users to iterate and simulate multi-stage forming, trimming and springback in a modern and intuitive user interface, reducing complexity and making the production of high quality parts more economical. Altair Inspire Form also offers an innovative user experience to seamlessly transition between design and analysis through a highly intuitive user interface designed for beginners and experts alike. It enables part and process designers to evaluate manufacturability early in the development cycle to avoid costly trials downstream. Altair Inspire Form automatically generates a report for fitted and nested blanks to help maximize material utilization

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