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CAMPost v24.1.2335


Post-processing, Simulation and Optimization for all your CNC machines and controllers

Create Optimized & Verified G-Code Quickly & Easily with ICAM’s Lineup of NC Solutions


Leading multi-CAM post-processors with advanced look ahead & powerful macros.



“3+2” Positioning rotary axis post-processors

Dedicated Solution

Custom-built post-processors for all machine kinematics


Build your own posts with CAM-POST developer software


G-Code Simulation

Easily identify & resolve collisions & over-travel with integrated post-processing & machine simulation.

A CNC G-Code simulator is a software tool that simulates the motions and other actions of a CNC machine. 

The purpose of this simulator is to validate the correctness of NC programs (aka G-Code) before running the program on the actual CNC machine. 

CNC G-Code simulation is used by NC programmers primarily to ensure that the NC programs that they create will not cause damage to the machine, workpiece or tooling.

Optimization Tools

Automatically create optimized & safe rapid position motions for any machine kinematics.


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