Industrial Automation & Electrical
CDEGS (Current Distribution, Electromagnetic Fields, Grounding and Soil Structure Analysis) is a powerful set of integrated software tools designed to accurately analyze a variety of electromagnetic related problems encountered in all industries involving electric networks.
The most powerful and accurate suite of commercially available grounding (earthing) and electromagnetic analysis software packages on the market. A complete array of auxiliary software tools are included in the CDEGS suite to complement, support and enhance the methods used to solve various problems involving grounding, electromagnetic interference, electromagnetic fields and transient phenomena that can be tackled by CDEGS.
A variety of advanced solvers provide adapted approaches to your problems
Direct solutions of Maxwell’s equations
Circuit-based analyses
Finite element methods
Inversion algorithms
Fast Fourier transforms and transient analysis
Hybrid methods
Stunning graphics
Includes all electromagnetic coupling modes
Conduction, through metallic elements, coatings and the earth itself
Magnetic induction
Capacitive effects
Modeling elements
Complex soil structures such as the multi-region, horizontally layered soil with an arbitrary number of layers and resistivities and single-regions consisting of cylindrical, hemispherical, hemispheroidal, inclined, vertical and horizontal layers. Finally, horizontal multilayer soils that can include embedded finite soil volumes with arbitrary resistivities are available to help you tackle the most challenging project.
Conductors and pipes, physical dimensions and electromagnetic properties
Metallic Plates
Multi-component concentric cables and cables contained in an enclosure
Perfect “virtual” connections
Circuit components and Transformers
Arbitrary sources and signals including those emitted by remote sources such as solar magnetic storms
Avoid simplifying assumptions and model any system realistically
Compute currents flowing in arbitrary networks of conductors, and their associated electric fields, magnetic fields and scalar potentials
Take into account the electrical complexity of soil structures
Accurately calculate line parameters of arbitrary 3D networks
Determine realistic current distributions between all metallic paths connected to electric networks subjected to various fault scenarios
Accurately interpret soil resistivity measurements and Fall-of-Potential tests
Calculate potential distributions, electric and magnetic fields anywhere above or below ground
Evaluate GPR, touch and step voltages, coating stresses and leakage current densities
Design safe grounding systems complying with and surpassing the minimal requirements from IEEE 80, IEC 61936, IEC 62305 and many other standards, including your own
Study interactions between conductors, cables, GIS, GIL and plates
Mitigate interference problems efficiently
Protect installations, workers and the public against electromagnetic threats
Assess environmental impacts such as radio and audio noise caused by corona effects
Predict the performance of lightning protection systems using all known methods
Carry out parametric analyses and estimate the effect of uncertain or missing data using powerful automation tools
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