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DHI MIKE Zero 2012 SP3


MIKE Zero is the common name of DHI's fully Windows integrated graphical user interface for setting up simulations, pre- and post-processing analysis, presentation and visualisation within a project oriented environment. Presently, the MIKE Zero framework gives access to the following DHI modelling systems:

MIKE HYDRO - A physical and conceptual model system for catchments, rivers and floodplains.
MIKE 11 - a 1D modelling system for rivers and channels.
MIKE 21 - a 2D modelling system for estuaries, coastal water and seas.
MIKE 3 - a 3D modelling system for deep seas, estuaries and coastal waters.
MIKE 21/3 - Integrated Models (including the MIKE 21/3 Coupled Model FM, which allows full dynamic coupling between wave, flow and sediment transport models).
MIKE FLOOD - a 1D-2D modelling system for inland flood and urban flood studies.
LITPACK - a modelling system for littoral processes and coastline kinetics.
MIKE SHE - a modelling system for coupled groundwater and surface water resources.

Fixed issues in DHI MIKE Zero 2012 Service Pack 3:

Please note that the service packs are accumulative, i.e. corrections and fixes released with a previous service pack are included in the newest service pack as well.

- In rare cases the license system consumes a large amount of memory
- Mesh Generator: Problem in functionality and stability issues that were unfortunately introduced with Release 2012 Service Pack 2.
- Grd2MIKE: problem importing grid files in imperial units
- Issue with use of nested radiation stress files
- Issue with use of sand fractions in large domain areas 
- Control over z-level behaviour enabled for particles in Oil Spill and ABM Lab: In the section "[SOLUTION_TECHNIQUE]" of the ECOLab settings the keyword "type_of_vertical_transport = 1" (new default) triggers that vertical movement of a particle is based on its relative position in the water column (similar to PT). "type_of_vertical_transport = 0" use the particles absolute z-position. To reproduce old setups manually set "type_of_vertical_transport = 0".
- Issue with particles being removed/modified by another particle when running a parallelized MPI version
- Issue with hot-start of SW
- Problem with the grid alignment when an enhanced spatial resolution output is used
- Error in 3D simulations, causing particles to be mapped to a wrong vertical layer and to wrong wind drift
- Error in 3D simulations, causing particles to be mapped to a wrong vertical layer and to wrong wind drift

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