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Drilling Office X 2.10(DOX 2.10)


Drilling Office X can calculate the specific gravity, viscosity, filtration loss, pressure loss and other parameters of the mud. 

At the same time, Drilling Office X can also provide some specifications used in drilling projects to help users perform calculations and analyses more conveniently.

Data Browser gives you the power to create and manipulate drilling project databases. Drilling data are stored in a SQL database. As with the other Drilling Office applications, Data Browser can be installed in stand-alone mode or in conjunction with Survey Management and Drilling Engineering

Survey Management provides an intuitive method of creating, importing, and exporting proposals and surveys and the ability to perform anti-collision analysis. To create and work with proposals and surveys, a spreadsheet-oriented interface is provided. When you create a proposal, you provide a starting point (tie-in) and one or more segments, profiles, or targets. Segments can be hold or curve sections. Profiles contain multiple segments and are useful for quickly planning to targets within the database. To work with proposals and surveys created in previous version of Drilling Office, data can be imported from ASCII files

The Drilling Engineering module enables you to perform hydraulics, torque and drag, friction factor calibration, BHA sag, BHA Vibration, and BHA tendency analysis on a wellbore geometry. For each of these analysis types (except Fiction Factor Calibration), you can perform single-point and multiple-point computations for drilling, tripping, reaming or circulating operations

DD Toolbox is one of four modules in the DrillingOfficeX suite. It consolidates most of the operational needs of the field directional driller into one application that is part of DrillingOfficeX. DD Toolbox serves as the primary execution tool for the Schlumberger Drilling and Measurements unit (D&M) directional driller at the wellsite


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