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Keysight EMPro 2020.1


EMPro 2020 continues to be a leading 3D electromagnetic modeling and simulation environment, which is also integrated with the Advanced Design System (ADS) 2019 design flow. This latest release offers some new capabilities to reduce simulation time (FEM performance improvements, easier to use Python scripting, adaptive meshing) and increase design efficiency (improved parameterization, FEM native field visualization).

-The ambient temperature and temperature dependency of conductors materials are now taken into account.
-The meshing algorithm has been dramatically improved.
-The adaptive frequency sweep (AFS) has been enhanced to fit the simulated data.
-An issue has been fixed in the computation of radiated power, gain and efficiency.
-An issue has been fixed in the field visualization when changing the Excitation type from 'Multiple Excitation' to 'Single Excitation'. The field values are correctly updating now.
-The mapping of port distribution lines to mesh elements in FEM is now more robust.
-A FEM distributed simulation launched by a Simulation Service running on a Windows host is now more stable.

EMPro Platform:
-To ease the creation of parameterized objects during sketching, the default solve mode for the constraint manager is now the XY plane.
-The import HFSS (.aedt/.a3dcomp + .sat) has been improved.
-The 'python_scripts/demo/commandline/' script that demonstrates how you can create and run a new simulation from command line has been updated to support parameter sweeps.


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