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MikroElektronika Products 2016 Suite


MikroElektronika MikroElektronika has been one of few companies in the world that produce entire development toolchains for all major microcontroller architectures.

- MikroElektronika 8051 3.60
mikroProg for 8051 is a fast USB programmer. Smart engineering allows mikroProg to support Atmel AT89 devices in a single programmer! Outstanding performance, easy operation, elegant design and low price are it’s top features. It is supported in mikroElektronika 8051 compilers.
- MikroElektronika AVR 6.11(ARM 4.7.1)
mikroProg for AVR is a fast USB programmer. Smart engineering allows mikroProg to support 92 Atmel AVR devices in a single programmer! Outstanding performance, easy operation, elegant design and low price are it’s top features. It is supported in mikroElektronika AVR compilers.
- MikroElektronika FT90x 1.21
mikroProg for FT90x is a fast programmer and hardware debugger. Smart engineering allows mikroProg to support all FTDI Chip’s 32-bit FT90x MCUs in a single programmer! Outstanding performance, easy operation, elegant design and low price are it’s top features. It is supported in mikroElektronika FT90x compilers.
- MikroElektronika PIC32 3.60 (dsPIC 6.21)(PIC 6.63)
mikroProg is a fast USB 2.0 programmer with mikroICD hardware In-Circuit Debugger. Smart engineering allows mikroProg to support PIC10, PIC12, PIC16, PIC18, dsPIC30/33, PIC24 and PIC32 devices in a single programmer! It supports over 897 microcontrollers from Microchip. Outstanding performance, easy operation and elegant design are it’s top features.
- MikroElektronika Visual GLCD 2.71
Visual GLCD is a standalone application used for rapid development of graphical user interfaces for GLCD displays. Software generates code compatible with mikroElektronika compilers: mikroC, mikroBasic and mikroPascal, for all suported MCU architectures: PIC, dsPIC30/33, PIC24, PIC32, ARM and AVR. Software implements intuitive environment and many drag-and-drop components which can be used for building applications easily and fast.
- MikroElektronika Visual TFT 4.6.0
Visual TFT is a standalone application used for rapid development of graphical user interfaces for TFT displays. Software generates code compatible with mikroElektronika compilers: mikroC, mikroBasic and mikroPascal, for all suported MCU architectures: PIC, dsPIC30/33, PIC24, PIC32, AVR,ARM and FT90x. Software implements intuitive environment and many drag-and-drop components which can be used for building applications easily and fast.


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