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Marine Vessel.Ship Design

Nauticus Machinery v14.7

cadcamaec@protonmail.com2023-12-28Marine Vessel.Ship Design116
 marine propulsion designandanalysis

Shaft Alignment module

Advanced and flexible software tool for calculation of the optimal shaft alignment and natural frequencies for whirling and axial vibrations.

Torsional Vibration module

Easy, reliable and effective software for evaluating torsional vibration on shafting systems.

Shaft Fatigue module

Calculates the marine shaft main class strength according to DNV Class Guidelines 0038 and ice class strength according to Finnish-Swedish Ice Class Rules and IACS Polar Ice Class Rules.

Crankshaft Fatigue module

Calculates the safety against fatigue based on DNV Class Guidelines 0037 and IACS Unified Requirements M53.

Gear Rating module

Calculates the main class gear rating strength according to DNV Class Guidelines 0036 or ISO 6336 (or ISO10300 basing on gear type). The ice class strength calculation is according to Finnish-Swedish Ice Class Rules and IACS Polar Ice Class Rules

Gear Faceload module

This module calculates the face load factor for parallel axis spur and helical gears based on the graphical method basing on DNV class guidelines 0036. The result can be as input to the Gear Rating calculation.

Propeller Blade module

Calculates main class strength in propeller blade and tunnel thruster according to DNV Rules Part 4 Chapter 5 and Class Guideline 0039. The ice class strength calculation is according to Finnish-Swedish Ice Class Rules and IACS Polar Ice Class Rules.

Controllable Pitch Mechanism module

Calculates the static and fatigue strength capacity for the components in pitch control mechanism and propeller hub basing on DNV long term experience and relevant rules. Both main class and ice class requirements are implemented 


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