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OpenUtilities Substation 2024 (

cadcamaec@protonmail.com2024-12-15Industrial Automation & Electrical266

OpenUtilities Substation 2024 ( is integrated software application for intelligent electrical and physical substation design.

Add a new Copy Balloon Callouts option to allow users to maintain Balloon Callout drawing annotations.
Users are able to enable the toggle “Copy Balloon Callouts” when user has enabled “Maintain Device ID – Complete” and Source and Target projects are different.
- Copy Balloon Callouts is enabled, if no conflict, the software will copy Balloon Callouts from source project to target project. If target project contains one or more some complete device IDs, then the software will display Engineering Design Consideration dialog.
- Copy Balloon Callouts is disabled, Balloon callouts will be removed from copied pages.

Add checking of Microsoft Access Database Engine version
The software will check if Microsoft Access Database Engine is with a bad version. If yes, the software prompts the warning dialog. User is ability to check the problem in the file “Registry_File_Check.txt” under installation folder “\ProgramData\Bentley\OpenUtilities Substation CONNECT Edition\Configuration\Datasets\Substation\Config\”.

Add the warning message when SQL server is down or not available.
If user executes some commands such as Copy, Move, Scale, Rotate, Mirror, Delete and Stretch, and SQL server is suddenly down or not available, then the software will pop up the warning message.

In ProjectWise integration, support Read-only permission for ProjectsOptions.xml.
User is able to create new page in Substation Project with Read-Only access to the ProjectOptions.xml.

Shared cell symbol is placed on active level.
A symbol is saved with “Use Shared Cell” option in Symbol Create Wizard. When the symbol is placed, it will be placed on active level.
Enhance multiple previews for 3D symbols
Users are able to see a Preview of the 3D symbol in Front, Side, Top and Isometric Views.
- Insert Substation Objects
- Insert Cable/Bus Object
- Catalog Manager
- Symbol Create Wizard

Bentley Substation is a design tool for substation design. It uses Promis.e Title functionality for the electrical design. Integrated into the application with is a range of additional tools allowing users to create the 3D physical design of the substation. All of the drawings exist within the same project and sharing the same database. This results in easy navigation between the different drawing modes and shared attribute, part data, and reports. Bentley Substation is unique in that the 3D physical model and the Electrical drawings are all created with the same application and sharing the same common project database.

In addition to the Promis.e functionality and 3D functionality of the MicroStation-based platform, Bentley Substation has specialized design tools for substation design in a 3D environment:

Hook Points - Hook points are placed on symbols to allow them to easily snap onto other symbols. Orientation can be controlled in all three axes (or less). They also bond the connected symbols allowing them to me moved as a unit. This simplifies working in the 3D environment.
Grounding Grid - A special tool allows a grounding network to be placed into the Substation foundation to be used for equipment grounding. Parameters are entered to generate the Grid based on desired spacing. Once generated, the components are automatically included in the bill of materials (BOM). Individual areas of the generated grid can be modified by the user as needed.
Sag Algorithms - Used to graphically generate cables in the substation model with sag. Custom algorithms can also be created by Bentley Professional Services.

These are in addition to the standard benefits of 3D modeling which can speed design and approval while eliminating interference and positioning design errors


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