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Paradigm SKUA-GOCAD 2017


 SKUA-GOCAD earth modeling solution enables the integration of all subsurface data to create geologically consistent models for reservoir and velocity modeling, while capturing uncertainty throughout the process. 

What'snew in Paradigm SKUA-GOCAD 2017:

New Feature
New horizon modeling algorithm
- Better integration of well markers and seismic interpretations
- Achieve marker-fitted horizons in one step
- Automatic horizon data filtering to reconcile horizons, faults and markers
- Streamlined user interface
New robust tessellation tools
- Optimized tetrahedron solid models conforming to faults and horizons
- Optimized meshes with spatially varying resolution
Link to Dassault Systèmes Abaqus geomechanical simulator for stratigraphic grids and solid models
Enhanced automation
Increased usability of macros
- User interface-driven scripting for common functions
- Auto-completion for variables and functions while scripting
- More built-in macro examples
- Improved macro runs
Advanced geostatistics for automation and sensitivity analysis
Automation of velocity modeling through commands
Improved workflow for opening and saving data from/to Epos
Ability to save logs created in SKUA-GOCAD to Epos
New Petrel direct connector
- New server-client direct connection through web socket
Improved connection to Petrel through RESQML files
Support for Petrel 2015 and Petrel 2016

Paradigm GOCAD has led the industry for over 20 years in providing the most advanced capabilities for seismic, geological and reservoir modeling. In 2013, GOCAD merged with Paradigm SKUA, to create the most technologically advanced modeling application on the market.

SKUA-GOCAD is a huge leap forward in geologic characterization. Geoscientists can use it to incorporate difficult model structures, multi-z surfaces, and complex faults such as salt dome, overthrust and reverse faults. With a simple-to-use, workflow-based interface, users can obtain results quickly. And when the modeling gets tough, SKUAGOCAD handles complexities that other solutions cannot.

A Shared Earth Model to Meet Your Team’s Common Goals. From seismic to flow simulation, the SKUA-GOCAD common earth model provides consistent, disciplinespecific views of the subsurface. Well, seismic, microseismic, production, geology, and trend data are all integrated with the earth model. The SKUA-GOCAD collaborative envirnment ensures that everyone involved has access to the full interpretation of the earth, with no unwarranted simplification. Your team can investigate multiple, traceable scenarios and create a historical data trail that will allow them to trace models

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