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RAM SBeam CONNECT Edition v6.00.00.33


RAM SBeam CONNECT Edition, is a powerful and versatile program for the design of steel beams. Using one of several design codes, RAM SBeam can select the optimum beam size or check the adequacy of existing construction. The program provides rapid evaluation and comparison between various beams under various load conditions. RAM SBeam has a user interface unparalleled for simplicity and ease of use, while providing a very powerful design capability. This results in substantial time savings for the Engineer and a more economical design for the client.

Enhancements in RAM SBeam CONNECT Edition 6.0

- AISC 360-10 ASD and LRFD
- CAN/CSA S16-09
- Eurocode EN 1994-1-1:2004 Transverse Reinforcement requirements have been implemented.
- Options for determination of design fy per the Eurocode or UK National Annex have been added.
- Load definitions now include Partition Loads, that are treated as unreducible Live Loads.
- Several refinements have been made in the selection of studs in the composite beam design, including better consideration of the deck orientation (when at some skewed angle) and the number of ribs that then cross the beam.
- Cellular and Castellated beams are now referred to as C-Beams, produced by SteelFab.

RAM SBeam is now part of the Optioneering Visa.

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