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Remcom XFdtd 7.3

Remcom XFdtd Release 7 (XF7), with waveguide ports, additional XStream GPU Acceleration coverage, multi-core meshing, and other significant performance improvements in simulation creation.

XFdtd Relese 7 (XF7) is the market's most modern 3D electromagnetic simulation software for FDTD-based modeling and simulation. It’s tremendously fast by leveraging NVIDIA’s most advanced CUDA-enabled GPUs. And it’s easy to use and engineered to replicate real-world processes.

The point release updates XFdtd to Release 7.3.

Specific highlights of the release include:

- Waveguide ports
- Magnetized Ferrite Materials, Thin Wire Materials and Periodic Boundary Conditions are now accelerated with XStream GPU Acceleration
- Meshing performance has been improved by utilizing multiple CPU cores
- Dramatic reduction in overall time to prepare a simulation
- The static solver has been enhanced to calculate and assign static potentials to uninitialized conductors in the problem space
- Improved accuracy of static solver when utilizing meshes with variable grid spacing
- Dissipated Power Density field plots
- Active VSWR result for antenna array analysis

XF7 is available in both Pro and Bio-Pro versions. Both include XStream GPU Acceleration, 32- or 64-bit analysis module, geometric modeler and postprocessor, shared memory multiprocessor (MPM) at eight cores, and a comprehensive variety of 3D CAD import modules. The Bio-Pro version also includes SAR capability and high fidelity human body meshes. XFdtd users without an active 

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