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Seismo suite v2018.4.1


SeismoArtif is an application capable of generating artificial earthquake accelerograms matched to a specific target response spectrum using different calculation methods and varied assumptions. It is noted that the use of real accelerograms and spectrum matching techniques (see SeismoMatch), together with records selection tools, tends to be recommended for the derivation of suites of records for use in nonlinear dynamic analysis of structures. However, in those cases where access to real accelerograms is, for whatever reason, challenging or inappropriate, then a tool such as SeismoArtif will be of pertinence and usefulness.

Generation of suites of accelerograms for nonlinear dynamic analysis of new or existing structures
Capability of reading earthquake accelerograms and spectra saved in different text file formats
The loaded collection of ground motion records and spectra is then used in the simulation phase for the definition of the target spectrum or envelope shapes

Currently, the target spectrum can be created by following rules from a selection of more than 25 National Building Codes including Eurocode 8 rules, ASCE 41-17 and various Regulations worldwide, by computing the spectrum of a specific accelerogram or by simply loading a user-defined spectrum. With both the target spectrum and the envelope type defined, an artificial accelerogram is generated and a comparison between its response spectrum and the target spectrum is given including the mean spectrum error in percentage, coefficient of variation, and PGA of the accelerogram.

SeismoStruct is an award-winning program developed for the accurate analytical assessment of different classes of structures, such as buildings, bridges or industrial plants, subjected to earthquake strong motion. It features a number of verified nonlinear static and dynamic analysis methods (pushover, incremental dynamic analysis, etc.) so as to meet the analytical requirements posed by the modern performance-based seismic assessment and design philosophy.

Some of the more important features of SeismoStruct are summarised in what follows:
Completely visual interface. No input or configuration files, programming scripts or any other time-consuming and complex text editing requirements.
Full integration with the Windows environment. Input data created in spreadsheet programs, such as Microsoft Excel, may be pasted to the SeismoStruct input tables, for easier pre-processing. Conversely, all information visible within the graphical interface of SeismoStruct can be copied to external software applications (e.g. to word processing programs, such as Microsoft Word), including input and output data, high quality graphs, the models' deformed and undeformed shapes and much more.
With the Wizard facility the user can create regular/irregular 2D or 3D models and run all types of analyses on the fly. The whole process takes no more than a few seconds.
With the Building Modeller the user can create real regular or irregular 3D reinforced concrete models of up to 20 storeys within minutes.
Eight different types of analysis: dynamic and static time-history, conventional and adaptive pushover, incremental dynamic analysis, eigenvalue, non-variable static loading, and response spectrum analysis.
The applied loading may consist of constant or variable forces, displacements and accelerations at the nodes, as well as distributed element forces. The variable loads can vary proportionally or independently in the pseudo-time or time domain.
The program accounts for both material inelasticity and geometric nonlinearity.
A large variety of reinforced concrete, steel and composite sections are available.
The spread of inelasticity along the member length and across the section depth is explicitly modelled in SeismoStruct allowing for accurate estimation of damage accumulation.
Numerical stability and accuracy at very high strain levels enabling precise determination of the collapse load of structures.
The innovative adaptive pushover procedure. In this pushover method the lateral load distribution is not kept constant but is continuously updated, according to the modal shapes and participation factors derived by eigenvalue analysis carried out at the current step. In this way, the stiffness state and the period elongation of the structure at each step, as well as higher mode effects, are accounted for. In particular the displacement-based variant of the method, due to its ability to update the lateral displacement patterns according to the constantly changing modal properties of the system, overcomes the inherent weaknesses of fixed-pattern displacement pushover, providing superior response estimates.
SeismoStruct possesses the ability to smartly subdivide the loading increment, whenever convergence problems arise. The level of subdivision depends on the convergence difficulties encountered. When convergence difficulties are overcome, the program automatically increases the loading increment back to its original value.
SeismoStruct's processor features real-time plotting of displacement curves and deformed shape of the structure, together with the ability of pausing and re-starting the analysis.
Capacity checks in chord rotation and shear can be performed, according to Eurocode 8, NTC-08 (Italian National Seismic Code) and KANEPE (Greek Seismic Interventions Code) and for all the limit states of the specified codes.
Performance criteria can also be set, allowing the user to identify the instants at which different performance limit states (e.g. non-structural damage, structural damage, collapse) are reached. The sequence of cracking, yielding, failure of members throughout the structure can also be, in this manner readily obtained.
Advanced post-processing facilities, including the ability to custom-format all derived plots and deformed shapes, thus increasing productivity of users.
AVI movie files can be created to better illustrate the sequence of structural deformation.

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SeismoSignal constitutes a simple, yet efficient, package for the processing of strong-motion data. Amongst other things, it allows for the derivation of elastic and constant ductility inelastic response spectra, computation of Fourier amplitude spectra, filtering of high and low frequency record content and estimation of other important seismological parameters, such as the Arias Intensity and the significant and effective durations.

SeismoSignal calculates:
Elastic and constant-ductility inelastic response spectra
Fourier and Power spectra
Arias (Ia) and characteristic (Ic) intensities
Cumulative Absolute Velocity (CAV) and Specific Energy Density (SED)
Root-mean-square (RMS) of acceleration, velocity and displacement
Sustained maximum acceleration (SMA) and velocity (SMV)
Effective design acceleration (EDA) Acceleration (ASI) and velocity (VSI) spectrum intensity
Predominant (Tp) and mean (Tm) periods
Husid and energy flux plots
Bracketed, uniform, significant and effective durations

SeismoSignal also enables the filtering of unwanted frequency content of the given signal. Three different digital filter types are available, all of which capable of carrying out highpass, lowpass, bandpass and bandstop filtering.
The program is able to read accelerograms defined in both single- and multiple-values per line formats (the two most popular formats used by strong-motion databases), and can apply baseline correction and filtering prior to time-integration of the signal (to obtain velocity and displacement time-histories).

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SeismoMatch is an application capable of adjusting earthquake records, through wavelet addition, to match a specific target response spectrum. Users have the opportunity to simultaneously match a number of accelerograms, and then obtain a mean matched spectrum whose maximum misfit respects a pre-defined tolerance. This software can be used in combination with record selection tools to define adequate suites of records for nonlinear dynamic analysis of structures.

Some of its features are:
Simultaneous matching of a number of accelerograms, and then creation of a mean matched spectrum whose maximum misfit respects a pre-defined tolerance.
Possibility of using this software in combination with records selection tools and records appropriateness verification algorithms to define adequate suites of records for nonlinear dynamic analysis of new or existing structures.
Capability of reading single accelerograms defined in both single- or multiple-values per line formats (the two most popular formats used by strong-motion databases) or of reading a number of accelerograms at the same time (if they are defined in the single-value per line format).
Creation of the target spectrum by following Eurocode 8 rules, by computing the spectrum of a specific accelerogram or by simply loading a user-defined spectrum.

The following strong-motion parameters are then computed for the matched accelerograms:
Elastic response spectra and pseudo-spectra
Overdamped and constant-ductility inelastic response spectra
Root-mean-square (RMS) of acceleration, velocity and displacement
Arias (Ia) and characteristic (Ic) intensities
Cumulative absolute velocity (CAV) and specific energy density (SED)
Acceleration (ASI) and velocity (VSI) spectrum intensity
Housner intensity
Sustained maximum acceleration (SMA) and velocity (SMV)
Effective design acceleration (EDA)
Predominant (Tp)
Significant duration

SeismoBuild is an innovative Finite Element package wholly and exclusively dedicated to seismic assessment and strengthening of reinforced concrete structures that is targeted to the design office. The program is capable of fully carrying out the Code defined assessment methodologies from the structural modelling through to the required analyses and the corresponding member checks. Currently three European Codes are supported (Eurocodes, Italian National Seismic Code NTC-08, Greek Seismic Interventions Code KANEPE). Both metric and imperial units, as well as European and US reinforcing bars types are supported.

Some of the more important features of SeismoBuild are summarised in what follows:
Completely visual interface. No input or configuration files, programming scripts or any other time-consuming and complex text editing requirements.
With the Building Modeller the user can create real regular or irregular 3D reinforced concrete models within minutes.
Easy CAD-based input; the floor's plan view can be used as background.
Predefined built-in cross-sections for both existing and strengthened (jacketed) members (rectangular, L-shaped, T-shaped, circular, shear walls, normal or inverted T-beams).
Easy modelling of strengthening with Fibre-Reinforced Polymers (FRP) wraps; a large library of existing FRP materials is available.
Easy modelling of inclined beams and slabs.
Automatic column subdivision to model short columns.
Straightforward definition of code-based parameters.
Simple input of limit states, building performance levels, earthquake hazard levels and knowledge levels.
Easy definition of the parameters needed for the nonlinear analysis, with a range of predefined settings schemes and detailed guidelines with suggestions by the program.
Large library of nonlinear models for concrete and steel materials.
Fibre-based inelastic frame elements.
Distributed plasticity models to accurately model the distribution of inelasticity along the entire height of large walls.
Eigenvalue and pushover analyses supported.
AVI movie files can be created to better illustrate the sequence of structural deformation.
Automatic calculation of the target displacement.
Detailed and intuitive presentation of the analytical results; tables, charts and 3D plots are available.
All the code-defined capacity checks are supported (shear capacity, chord rotation capacity, inter-storey drift level, beam-column joints checks).
Checks presented on a table and on the 3D plot; the members where the capacity is exceeded are highlighted with red.
Detailed technical report in PDF, RTF or HTML format; the content (text, plots and tables) and the size of the report are determined by the users.
CAD drawings with plan views, members' cross sections and reinforcement tables; specially created *.ctb files are included.
Easy copying of all the data, tables and plots to any other Windows application


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