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TDM Solutions Clayoo 1.05


Clayoo is an advanced modeling application with the ability to effortlessly create any form efficiently and accurately, however complex.

It is like modeling by hand!
This is the concept of Clayoo®, it doesn’t matter if you start from a sketch, curve or a 3D object. It’s about the ease of pulling, pushing and moving until your idea comes true

Not only modeling, but manufacturing
Clayoo® geometry is perfect for manufacturing prototypes, molds, … By exporting the STL, it automatically generates closed meshes.

Unlimited Creation and Modification
Modeling from any geometry: surfaces, solids, meshes or from a sketch. Edit easily using the most advanced tool as Join, Break, Divide, Separate, Offsets, Raise, Move, Extrude, Plunge, Shell… and much more. The possibilities are limitless! Retopology 3D, Scan Data and STL to Clayoo® Surfaces or Nurbs.

Clayoo Surfaces, 100% Compatibility
Clayoo® has been created by TDM Solutions in and for Rhinoceros.

When precision is a must
Clayoo® offers real-time tools to analyze distances, variance, … Likewise, standard Rhino tools such as Draft Angle, Thickness Analysis, … allowing working in Real Time.

Reverse Engineering
Clayoo® becomes essential for “Reverse Engineering” with advanced tools as Retopology, which allows you to create surfaces over digitized objects easily, being able to convert the result in Nurbs surfaces.

High performance, definition of detail areas
Allows varying levels of detail across one object. For example, when modeling a face you can use less definition across the majority of the area but choose higher definition around the eyes and eyebrows.

When control and accuracy is important
Works accurately, freely, or both. Define more control points in areas that require it. Advanced offset, shell and bridge connection.


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