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Vectric Aspire 9.510


Vectric Aspire Vectric in the category of CAM is a software company to design two models and three-dimensional devices made CNC router. The program is based on the famous software of this company as VCarve Pro is designed with all the features of this program in the field of modeling for CNC machines, while the various tools to make sketches of two-dimensional, pictures, paintings and digital arts auxiliary detailed three-dimensional models are responsible.

Vectric Aspire Tbf by companies and a lot of people for a wide range of products include decorative panels, doors and windows, decorative products, wooden products customization, plaster, company logo engraved, custom gifts and used. The application by component three-dimensional modeling unique with design tools and editing two-dimensional full, working with two-dimensional data and import three-dimensional models makes it easy and also enables users to Parts of two-dimensional and three-dimensional simply create the initial plans

Features and Vectric Aspire:
-Design three-dimensional components of the two-dimensional vectors
-Take advantage of the three-dimensional different Tkstchrhay
-Take advantage of texture images
-The ability to import files such as three-dimensional STL, DXF, OBJ, SKP, V3M, CRV3D, 3DCLIP
-Edit interactive three-dimensional models - Blending, rough distortion and ...
-An expanded set of two and three-dimensional Rthay clip - More than 1300 designs
-Import a two-dimensional vectors such as: DWG, DXF, EPS, AI, PDF, SKP, SVG, etc.
-Import two-dimensional images BMP, JPG, TIF, GIF, PNG and ...
-Export files in two-dimensional and three-dimensional formats: DWG, EPS, AI, SVG, STL, TIF, etc

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