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Vero ALPHACAM Desinger 2019 R1 SU7 x64


As a stand-alone, optional application for its CAM portfolio, the newly-available Designer enables users to create new designs or modify existing geometry from third party CAD systems.

John Buehler, from Vero Software, says Designer represents the CAD framework that will become the core modelling engine for all CAM applications. “It’s not dependent on having a series of parameters that drive it, or a feature tree. It provides a very quick, dynamic editing and modelling environment, where users simply sketch, drag, hold, push or twist, to create and modify models.

He says having this single and unified solution for solids-based designs gives Vero users the flexibility of receiving a CAD file from any source, for review or modification.

“Some modellers do not maintain adequate tolerances, so the models will often require a degree of repair – or if they’ve only been roughly modeled there may be gaps in the geometry. Designer allows users to read the native CAD data…clean up any poor geometry, close the gaps, stitch it into a solid, and then make modifications that are important to the CAM process, such as the suppression of features, or the modification of draft angles.

“Generally, those modifications do not impact on a part’s design or performance, but will make it more manufacturable.”

While Designer operates separately from the CAM system, there are triggers within it which will launch CAM, and there is full associativity between the two. “From fixture design to quick and easy part modification, Designer is truly the right CAD for CAM, by providing a full set of tools to fill the gap between the two.”

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