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Bentley AutoPLANT Modeler V8i (SELECTSeries 6)

cadcamaec@protonmail.com2024-02-02PLANT & PIPE98
Bentley AutoPLANT Modeler V8i (SELECTSeries 6) 08.11.11, the leading process plant design software suite providing modern 3D functionality on top of AutoCAD to help you more quickly design process plant engineering solutions.

AutoPLANT Modeler V8i gives you spec-driven 3D piping, equipment, and raceway design with advanced routing and editing features. Built on powerful, object-oriented technology, it is easy to use and customize, allowing you to interactively route and place components in an intelligent 3D environment.

AutoPLANT Modeler architecture takes advantage of the latest AutoCAD technology to produce intelligent, three-dimensional production models under demanding deadlines. Integration of the Bentley plant project database with plant and business systems makes the most of valuable information investments. AutoPLANT Modeler V8i can be integrated with Bentley ProjectWise V8i to ensure information mobility with integrity.

AutoPLANT Modeler includes hundreds of catalogs representing either industry standards (including ANSI and ASME) or manufacturer-specific components (such as Crane and Ladish). Components selected from the specification and placed in a design model are parametric objects with a high degree of intelligence.

Component and drawing controlled data is dynamically linked to an external project database. The database information can be used to generate reports or to globally manipulate and revise the descriptive component data. AutoPLANT Modeler supports the creation of orthographic drawings (plans, elevations, and sections), using paper space view ports and exporting 3D model data to produce finished drawings. The Import/Export feature supports output to OpenPlant Isometric Manager. In addition, locating and resolving possible interferences during the design phase saves many on-site man-hours, and prevents the particularly costly problem of having to re-route piping and raceways as a result of clashes discovered in the construction phase.


Bentley AutoPLANT Modeler V8i (SELECTSeries 6)
Bentley Prerequisites and Common Tools for AutoPLANT Applications v8i

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