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CD-Adapco Star CCM+ 10-R8 (double precision)


CD-adapco STAR-CCM+ v10.02, the latest version of its flagship simulation tool. Focusing on Multidisciplinary Design eXploration (MDX) to help accelerate the design decision process, this release allows engineers to drive their simulations through a complete range of operating scenarios. This approach can be used to gain a complete understanding of the performance of a product across the whole design space. 

Technology, Experience and Productivity are the pillars of the 10.02 release:

Technology: One of the major technological advancements in STAR-CCM+ 10.02 is the remote execution of the CAD Client, opening the door to design space exploration across networks and platforms. STAR-CCM+ can now seamlessly drive design changes in the CAD package while running on a remote cluster. This innovation is unique on the CAE marketplace.

STAR-CCM+ 10.02 also offers technology breakthroughs in the field of multiphase modeling by releasing a new interaction model between VOF, Fluid Film and Lagrangian models. This approach dramatically reduces computational costs and mesh count, opening up applications that were not previously practical to solve for, like rainwater management, crankcase and gearbox sloshing, parts dipping and coating.

A new Large Scale Interface multiphase model combining the benefits of VOF and Eulerian Multiphase modeling is added, capturing many different co-existing flow regimes. With these advancements, CD-adapco continues to tackle critical engineering simulation work to significantly impact the oil and gas, chemical processing and manufacturing industries. STAR-CCM+ v10.02 also enhances Eulerian Multiphase, VOF, and DEM.

Experience: A new STAR-View+ tool highlights the customer experience enhancements to STAR-CCM+ 10.02. Among its new features, STAR-View+ now supports animations of scenes, transient results and recording of interactions. STAR-View+ allows users to collaborate and share the results of their simulations; it is a free utility tool to navigate or deep dive into the simulation results, no license is required.

STAR-CCM+ 10.02 also improves the customer experience through GPU utilization, significantly cutting down on display latency and offering an enhanced graphical interaction. In addition, this version of STAR-CCM+ is breaking new ground in the user experience arena with advances in adjoint-based error estimation, mesh deviation analysis and depth selection mode.

Productivity: This version of STAR-CCM+ offers heightened throughput, allowing users to complete their work faster and afford the opportunity to explore more design variations in the same time. Wake Refinement, one of the more in-demand features from IdeaStorm, adds a draft angle to more accurately capture the wake behind the parts. 

Other productivity features in STAR-CCM+ 10.02 include significantly reduced turnaround time for all data mappers for which scalability and memory usage also improved, the ability to report on parts without affecting performance while solving, Parts-based thin mesher, and a blower interface model.

STAR-CCM+ 10.02 includes 40 new features drawn from suggestions submitted through IdeaStorm, the innovation forum for CD-adapco customers. The company is committed to three major releases each year to ensure it is delivering on its vision for the software, and at the same time, supporting the ongoing needs of its customers.


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