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CONVERGE 2.4.21 datecode 082118


CONVERGE CFD (computational fluid dynamics) software to version 2.4.21. As with all new versions, this release includes fixes to various user-reported issues from the previous release, providing an overall more stable experience.

 CONVERGE CFD is a revolutionary computational fluid dynamics (CFD) program thateliminates the grid generation bottleneck from the simulation process. CONVERGE wasdeveloped by engine simulation experts and is straightforward to use for both engine andnon-engine simulations. Unlike many CFD programs, CONVERGE automaticallygenerates a perfectly orthogonal, structured grid at runtimebased on simple, user-definedgrid control parameters. This grid generation method completely eliminates the need tomanually generate a grid. In addition, CONVERGE offers many other features to expeditethe setup process and to ensure that your simulations are as computationally efficient aspossible.

CONVERGE CFD software comprised of the CONVERGE solver, the CONVERGE Studio graphical user interface (GUI), and CONVERGE chemistry tools.

The CONVERGE solver is designed for solving reacting flows in systems with complex geometries and moving parts. One of the key features of CONVERGE is ‘autonomous meshing’, in which CONVERGE automatically creates and refines the computational mesh, thereby taking the meshing process out of the users’ hands. CONVERGE’s autonomous meshing features include automatic mesh generation and Adaptive Mesh Refinement.
The CONVERGE Studio GUI includes both pre- and post-processing tools for the CONVERGE solver. Before running a CFD simulation in CONVERGE, the CONVERGE Studio pre-processing tools can be used to prepare the surface geometry, configure input files, and set up the reaction mechanism. After running a CONVERGE simulation, the line plotting module and the 3D visualization module in CONVERGE Studio can be used to visualize and interpret the simulation results.
CONVERGE Chemistry Tools
CONVERGE includes a number of chemistry tools for the SAGE detailed chemistry solver. These tools include the 0D solver, 1D solver, mechanism reduction, mechanism merge, mechanism tuning, and surrogate blender. The 0D, or autoignition, solver calculates ignition delay for a given set of fuel parameters, e.g., temperature, pressure, equivalence ratio. The 1D solver calculates laminar flame speeds.To reduce computational time, the mechanism reduction tool eliminates species and reactions that have the least effect on the simulation results. The mechanism merge tool combines two reaction mechanisms into one,and the mechanism tuning tool optimizes reaction mechanisms to meet specified performance targets. In CONVERGE Studio, the surrogate blender tool approximates real fuels through multi-component surrogates whose properties match those of the target fuel.


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