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ESI ProCAST 2019.0 Suite


ESI ProCAST 2019.0 Suite is an integrated software suite for the foundry industry to improve casting yield and quality.

ProCAST software is an advanced and complete casting processes simulation tool which is the result of more than 20 years of collaboration with major industrial partners and academic institutions all over the world. Using ProCAST allows for easier engineering and manufacturing throughout the process.

This simulation software offers an extensive suite of modules and foundry tools to meet your most challenging industrial requirements. Based on powerful Finite Element Technology, is well suited to also predict distortions and residual stresses and can address more specific processes like semi-solid, core blowing, centrifugal, lost foam and continuous casting. ProCAST manufacturing casting tools are some of the most powerful in the industry today, and the robust engineering gives you the tools to perform evaluations of all casting processes, for all castable alloys.

A simple model is taken as a casting part and ran a casting simulation in ESI Procast

* Release info:
ESI Visual-Environment 14.5.0
ESI ProCAST 2019.0 Solvers
ESI QuickCAST 2019.0 Solvers
ESI PAM-OPT 2019.0


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