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MSC Easy5 2023.1

Easy52023.1 isagraphics-basedsoftwaretoolusedtomodel,simulate,anddesignmulti-domain

Easy5 2023.1 is a graphics-based software tool used to model, simulate, and design multi-domain dynamic systems characterized by differential, difference, and algebraic equations.

Release 2023.1 Features

Gas Dynamics Library Useability Improvements
For new instances of most non-obsolete components:
- The local dimension "# of gas species" has been replaced by a global dimension parameter.
- The local configuration parameter "Formulation", with the choices of "Explicit" and "Implicit", has been replaced by a global configuration parameter.
This will allow you to set these parameters for all the GD library components in your model in one operation, instead of having to set these component-by-component. To set these parameters for an entire model, select Options > Set Model Global Configuration. To set these parameters for a submodel, right-click on the submodel icon and select Set Submodel Global Configurations.
These global configurations were not implemented in the following components:
- HK (gas-gas heat exchanger based on effectiveness map): This component has two "# of gas species", one for each stream. Since there is only one global dimension parameter for this, the global "# of gas species" was not implemented.
- NO (Node or Volume): Because of library component limitations the new configurations could not be implemented, so NO is now obsolete. Use the new component CH instead, it is identical to NO in every respect except that it uses global configurations instead of local configurations.
- CS (Cabin Thermal Model): Because of library component limitations the new configurations could not be implemented, so CS is now obsolete. Use the new component CA instead, it is identical to CS in every respect except that it uses global configurations instead of local configurations.
Linear Model
- Component GP/SM can now approximate either continuous or hybrid/discrete models. Previously it only modeled continuous linear approximations.
- Linear Model Generation: when Save System Matrices is Yes and a System Matrices Name is specified, then the system matrices are saved into two different files:
. <ModelName>.<System Matrices Name>.ezlmf. This is previously existing capability, the .ezlmf file is in the auxiliary input format for component SM. For continuous systems only.
. <ModelName>.<System Matrices Name>.json. This is the new capability. The .json file can be read into the component data tables of components SM, XV, YU and YV by selecting Options > Load json model data.

CAE simulation solutions enable engineers to validate and optimise product designs using virtual prototypes. Customers in almost every part of manufacturing use our software to complement, and in some cases even replace, the physical prototype "build and test" process that has traditionally been used in product design.
Easy5 was developed and designed by engineers to efficiently solve real-world, industrial problems and simplifies the construction and analysis of such systems with a graphical, schematic-based application. A comprehensive set of pre-packaged components, stored in application-specific libraries, simplify the assembly of a representative model and facilitate quick and accurate system simulation. Engineers work within a familiar schematic drawing paradigm to add and specify data connections between components in an intuitive, simple-to-use, multi-level hierarchical modeling environment. For over forty years, through continuous improvement, Easy5 has remained the simulation tool of choice for many complex and difficult systems.


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