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Sheet Metal & Stamping

PTC Creo Progressive Die Extension 9.0

cadcamaec@protonmail.com2024-01-13Sheet Metal & Stamping127

Improve Your Sheetmetal Manufacturing Operations. A growing pile of sheetmetal scrap is a silent rebuke to both engineers and manufacturers. 

Sheet metal is metal (especially aluminum) formed into flat sheets by hammering, rolling or extruding. It is among the most common of construction materials because it's strong, lightweight, and relatively cheap. Sheet metal can be cut, bent and formed into a variety of shapes.

Key concerns in working with sheet metal? Efficient use of materials and design optimized for manufacturing. PTC Creo software can help.

PTC Creo Progressive Die Extension has easy-to-use wizards to guide you through automatic strip layout definition, cut stamp creation, and placement/modification of die components. You can eliminate error-prone manual tasks by automatically creating clearance cuts, drilled holes, and documentation.

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