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Zentech Zencrack 7.9.3


Zencrack is a state-of-the-art software tool for 3D fracture mechanics simulation. The program interfaces to commercial finite element codes to allow calculation of fracture mechanics parameters such as energy release rate and stress intensity factors. This is achieved by automatic generation of focused cracked meshes from uncracked finite element models. In addition, a crack growth methodology is included that provides non-planar crack growth prediction for fatigue and time-dependent load conditions via automated adaptive meshing techniques.

3D crack non-planar extension analysis for complex configurations;

Unique adaptive crack mesh processing technology-Crack-block technology;

Rich Crack-block library, adapting to cracks of various complex shapes;

Automatic batch call finite element solver in the background, making full use of the solving capability of top finite element software - ANSYS, ABAQUS, FINAS, MSC;

Automated crack extension analysis (adaptive mesh technology, mesh-following and relaxation techniques);

Interaction analysis of multiple cracks;

Sub-modelling techniques of finite element software can be utilised to improve computational efficiency;

Analysis of mechanical fatigue loads, thermal fatigue loads and their coupled effects;

Various factors affecting the crack extension rate can be considered, such as: average stress and load ratio, residual stress, overload, environmental factors, etc;

Creep fatigue interaction (calculation of creep CT integral);

Non-linear cracks: material non-linearity (elastic-plastic, hyperelastic, creep, etc.), large deformations, automatic/manual handling of cracked surface contact;

Crack extension criterion: maximum energy release rate as a criterion for crack extension distance and direction;

Pre- and post-processing: utilising the pre- and post-processing environment of familiar finite element software;

Crack extension law: Paris, Walker, form data;

Highly accurate calculation, with the same calculation accuracy as AFGROW (U.S. Air Force Growth).

    Typical applications

Parametric study of different crack sizes within a part;

FAD (API 579 & BS 7910);

Determination of remaining life for a given crack size and load history;

Determination of the maximum crack size for a given life;

Determination of NDT cycles;

Determining the maintenance programme;

Determination of critical crack size for a given fatigue load;

Life extension;

Durability analysis;

Damage tolerance assessment;

Interaction between ductile and brittle damage modes;

CT integration of high temperature creep;

Welded structures;


Glued, laminated composites;



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